Dear LTT-ers
Please tell me you gave a ‘hur hur hur’ laugh when you saw my title. Soooo Hot off the presses and freshly borrowed from PopSugar we FINALLY have something from the set in Baton Rouge. Praise the Lawd, yall! The Volturi hanging out seemingly doing nothing is excuse enough for me to post them and then caption. Of course.
Beller is alive and we’re all back on the set of Breaking Dawn!
Jamie: This reminds me of that one time we all went to that Gay Goth Fantasy club in Vancouver.
Dakota: I’ll never be able to un-see what happened there. Thanks.
(quieter voice) Beller… is… alive….
Willow Smith, I hope you’re taking notes.
Make up artist: Erecto Gay Vampo!
Jamie: Wrong movie.
1st day on set for snervous Volturi Guard #123871283 (who is this?!)
I wonder if Beller is still alive…
Well is she??!!! I don’t know Michael Sheen you’ll have to walk to a clearing in the middle of BFE Washington and see if Beller is alive and well and wearing your weird necklace. Remember that part of Breaking Dawn?? The diamond necklace??
Anyhooo, doesn’t it finally feel like the movie is being made? Sure Rob and Kristen were in Brasil but that could be anything, this is finally some Twilight looking action! What will be next? Taylor on a motorcycle catching grapes in his mouth (Taylor time!) or maybe Charlie’s copstache out wondering about….. Time can only tell!
Say it with me: Beller is alive!!!
FINALLY!! Can I get an amen? Does BD filming feel different to anyone else? I feel like with the others we saw stuff EVERY day even if it was like Kellan at the gym… Kellan at the gym, hmmm… SRSLY though!
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